Atropa belladonna, Great morel - Seeds - plants - dried herbs

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Atropa belladonna, Great morel


Common names: Deadly Nightshade, great morel, belladonna, morel, wuth-beer

Botanical name & synonyms:
Atropa belladonna, Atropa bella-donna, Atropa borealis, Atropa cordata, Atropa digitaloides, Atropa lethalis, Atropa lutescens, Atropa mediterranea, Belladonna baccifera, Belladonna trichotoma, Boberella belladonna

Nightshades (Solanaceae)

  • flower VI to VIII

  • plant community: forest edges

  • weight of 1000 seeds = 1,1 gram

Atropa belladonna, a perennial plant, indigenous to Central and Southern Europe, West and Central Asia. It grow to a height of 1.5m.

Belladonna is one of the witches herbs and was a ingredient of the flying ointments and used as psychoactive additive in beer and other beverages.
This interestingly plant have a long history of use as a medicinal, poisonous, and ceremonial herb.

All parts of this plant are Highly TOXIC!
Active Constituents: Tropane alkaloids - hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine




Dried Herbs


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